Our clients are the best clients!

Website Design & Management

Epic Interiors

Epic Interiors hired us to manage their existing website on the Squarespace platform, refresh the design, and add portfolio pages. We also updated the writing, added custom SEO, and fixed continuity issues. Our tasks include:

  • On-going management of Epic’s website

  • Developing and adding content

  • Researching, writing, and designing blog posts and email campaigns

  • Customizing SEO

  • Business writing that emphasizes Epic’s brand and accessible tone.

  • Photoshop editing for polished images throughout

Certified Realty Group (CRG)

The CRG website development began from scratch. They had no previous online presence save for a Facebook page. We designed a comprehensive, on-brand site, including consulting and research, to communicate the CRG story and mission professionally. Our tasks included:

  • Consolidating and setting up domain names and email

  • Developing site architecture

  • Customizing SEO for each page

  • Developing video content

  • Business writing throughout

  • Training the owner to add content

  • Designing custom, industry-specific icons

  • Providing photography services

  • Photoshop editing for polished images throughout


Social Media Management

SpringSource Psychological Center

We manage and maintain our client’s Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin social media accounts. We were hired to bring warmth and a conversational tone to the content and increase engagement. Our tasks include:

  • Conceptualize and implement overall social media strategy

  • Content research and development

  • Scheduling 1-2 posts per week

  • Photography/Stock Images/Graphics creation and management

  • Writing that emphasizes SpringSource’s brand and friendly tone

  • Creating reels and stories

  • Creative hashtagging and industry research on best keywords

  • Targeted post-boosting to drive engagement and increase followers

  • Photoshop editing for polished images throughout

Epic Interiors

We manage and maintain our client’s Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin social media accounts. So far, we’ve doubled our followers on Instagram every 8 months. Our tasks include:

  • Conceptualize and implement overall social media strategy

  • Content research, writing, and graphics creation

  • Scheduling 2-3 posts per week

  • Photography

  • Writing that emphasizes Epic’s brand and friendly tone.

  • Creating reels and stories

  • Creative hashtagging and industry research on best keywords

  • Targeted post-boosting to drive engagement and increase followers

  • Photoshop editing for polished images throughout

Epic Moves

We manage and maintain our client’s Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin social media accounts. We have consulted from the beginning on this new business. Our tasks include:

  • Conceptualize and implement overall social media strategy

  • Content research, writing, and graphics creation

  • Scheduling 1-2 posts per week

  • Photography

  • Writing that emphasizes Epic Move’s brand and friendly tone.

  • Creating reels and stories

  • Creative hashtagging and industry research on best keywords

  • Targeted post-boosting to drive engagement and increase followers

  • Photoshop editing for polished images throughout